Nytt år igen! 2014. Jag tror att det kommer blir ett riktigt bra år överlag.

För att upprätthålla traditionen med det sega bloggandet så har det inte blivit någon blogg förräns nu, plus att jag har jobbat mycket det senaste. Men nu kör vi, sammanfattning och reflektion av 2013! Tror den blir lite kortare än tidigare år eftersom…. ja, åren blir kortare…

19:e – Träffade Eric och Karlsson (Kristoffer dvs., Eric heter tekniskt sett också Karlsson…) från gymnasiet, första gången vi tre träffades tillsammans sedan gymnasiet.

Mestadels programmering, lite snack med folk på Drivhuset, och lite jobb på Trinax.

9:e – Herr Karfunkel fyllde år. Gav honom Happy Cubes i födelsedagspresent! Mycket lyckat. Fanns ju tillräckligt med kuber för samtliga som var med på kalaset, så mycket kubande blev det.
I övriga mars var det en del jobb.

I slutet av Mars och början av April var jag i Taizé över påsk, även om det bara var i fem dagar. Och det var här det hela började… På Påskdagen (tror jag att det var) satt vi fyra-fem svenskar på en ganska central plats i Taizé och blåste såpbubblor. “United Bubbles In Christ” kallade vi oss :) Med oss hade vi också en polsk tjej som hette Ola (ja, faktiskt). Och såklart sade man “Hola, Ola!” (den hade hon aldrig hört förr… nejdå… inte alls…). Och sedan dess iaf så har åtminstone jag och Johanna varit bubbelfanatiker.

4:e – Köpte såpbubblor! :)
9:e – Gjorde en del ärenden på stan och satt på Kungstorget en halvtimme och blåste såpbubblor, mitt på ljusa dan.
28:e – Dansens dag återigen. Same procedure as last year :) Hjälpte Anna på Torp Köpcentrum.


Student i Uddevalla var det och jag, min bror och Kristian var nere och kastade godis och blåste såpbubblor på studenter. Var iaf en student som blåste tillbaka! Träffade på en del Taizé-Tanumsfolk också, så som Holger och Hjalmar, och de nybakade studenterna Nicolina, Matilda, Johanna E och Sara.

På självaste nationaldagens firades Herr Karfunkels examen i hans fars stuga i Dalsland. Helt FANTASTISK trädgård! Med en liten damm med grodor, och en Tipi mitt inne i skogen! Astufft. Träffade också på hans Tonganska vänner. Mycket trevliga alla tre. Träffade också på några andra av hans släktingar.

Träffade också på lite Karlsson då och då under sommaren, när han inte var i Frankrike… (tycker det är mitt jobb att vara i Frankrike!)

Under övriga sommaren var det mest programmering, och ett besök som man fick. Och Uddevallakalaset! Var och lyssnade på Arvingarna med Becka, Anna och Mattias. Och fick även höra några lokalbegåvningar som var riktigt bra! Och en kväll under kalaset träffade jag på Holger och några av hans vänner, och såpbubblor tyckte de om :)

Åt mat med Karlsson och de två Karfunklarna (dvs. Simon och hans fru Andrea). Första gången som Karlsson och Andrea träffades.

Och så bar det av till ytterligare en Taizé-resa :) Träffade på många underbara människor där som vanligt, väldigt kul att träffa den tyske Stefan igen (hade ingen aning om att han skulle dit då), träffade på honom mycket under veckan, och även en tysk tjej vid namn Leonie, och en del svenska fröken Drake. Under en av veckorna kände jag också väldigt mycket igen en svensk grupp från Växjö. Trevligt att se dem igen, kommer förhoppningsvis känna igen dem bättre till nästa gång.

Andra Taizé-veckan var jag med i gruppen “Ny Solidaritet”, som under veckan förberrede en workshop som vi hade på lördagen. Mycket mycket lyckad blev den!

Lite svenskar från Uddevallatrakten var också där under min andra vecka. Inte så mycket man träffade på dem under veckan, men ändå trevligt att ha dem där.

14:e – Party hos Anna som bjöd på Såpbubblor!! Tema Disney och jag var utklädd till Benjamin Syrsa, vilket drog många blickar när man promenerade från Kampenhof till Anna kan jag tala om! En utekväll också där man insåg att Sissi och hennes syster är vansinnigt lika. Och att folk tycker om att låna ens hatt när man har en sådan på sig :)
15:e – Kyrkoval, och jag var bestämt en FISK! (Fristående Liberaler i Svenska Kyrkan)

19:e – Plugg med Nikolina på Biblioteket som återigen kämpar med en mattetenta!

Åkte till Göteborg med Kristian, för att fira Tejps födelsedag. Under en biltur insåg Tejpbit, Etrisa, och jag att Göteborg är en stad fullt av enkelriktat. (Tejpbit och Etrisa är mina kusiner för övrigt, eller André och Johan som man också kan kalla dem…)

Började bli aktiv på en utav det gigantiska StackExchange imperiets sidor vid namn CodeReview. En sida för programmerare att lägga upp egen skriven fungerande kod som man vill få kommentarer på. Är en av de som är mest aktiva där, vilket tydligt syns på hur mycket “reputation” jag fått på ett halvår. http://codereview.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Reputation&filter=all (tilläggas bör dock att “apan” – ja, han kallas för “The Monkey” – som typ har dubbelt så mycket som mig började bli aktiv ungefär samtidigt som mig).

1:e – Ett nytt kyrkoår inleddes. Jag och ett gäng äldre damer var med i Gudstjänstgruppen. Ett nådens år, eller som Margaretha (90+) sade: Ett kärlekens år. Har sedan dess börjat bli lite mer aktiv kyrkobesökare (från att inte har varit där på flera år till att börja vara där 1-2 gånger i månaden…)
4:e – Gbg, hälsade på på Chalmers, träffade Tejps pluggrupp, framför allt Kuxe och Pippin. (Alla har smeknamn där nere, finns inga riktiga namn mer än i “@author” fältet på Java-dokumentationen). Skrev officiellt IQ test för Mensa, som jag fick 125 IQ på. Högre än 95% av befolkningen. Krävs dock 131+ för att gå med i Mensa. Men man kan göra ett test en gång till, så man får en andra chans. Kanske senare i år….

Och vid slutet på året, STRASBOURG!!! <3 <3 <3
Kunde året sluta bättre? Nej, jag tror inte det.

Nya människor som jag träffat
Massa Taizé-folk. Men icke minst Signe, Rebecca, Tilda och Hampus som jag umgicks mycket med i Strasbourg. Och Leonie ifrån Taizé i Augusti.

Gamla människor
Karlsson, Karfunkel, Eric. Och Taizé-bubblisen Johanna som man också träffade mycket i Strasbourg.

Nya Facebook-vänner
Tonvis! Mestadels från Taizé.

De bästa minnena
– United Bubbles In Christ på Påsk!
– Att sjunga Taizé-sången “Laudate omnes gentes” (Sjung lovsång alla länder) i EU-parlamentet. Finns det NÅGON bättre plats att sjunga den på?

Det kommande året:
2014 har “redan” inletts med en hel del jobb, även om det är lugnare nu, även om jag ska jobba imorrn…. Men enligt det tyska horoskop som Signe läste för oss på vägen hem från Strasbourg så kommer början och mitten på året handla mycket om jobb och karriär, medans om horoskopet stämmer så är det i slutet på året som jag träffar kärleken…. kanske i November? :)

2014 here we are 😀


Jag vet att det har tagit låååååång tid. Såhär seg brukar jag inte vara på att sammanställa ett år. Segheten beror mest troligt på diverse oklarheter i mitt liv just nu… Ekonomiska och sysselsättningsrelaterade sådana. Men här kommer ändå en sammanfattning över vad som hänt i mitt liv under 2012:

Februari: Flyttade brorsan från Stockholm till Dalaberg
7 mars: Jobbade för West Works räkning på Zebra Reklambyrå en dag. Fixade tre buggar på 8h som de hade suttit ett tag med.
27 mars: Drivhuset 24
30 mars: Mat med bror och kompisar i stan. Mycket trevligt!
14-15 April: Fick besök :)
15 April: började se Game of Thrones
26 April: hade en påminnelse i kalendern på mobilen som helt enkelt sade “I”. Om någon har en aning om vad “I” kan stå för som jag borde kommit ihåg får ni gärna kontakta mig.
29 april: Dansens dag. Hjälpte Anna på Torp med en dansföreställning.
26 maj Euphoooooooooooooriarvision hos Anna
30 maj: Min kära kusin Tejpbit fyllde 42% av 42 år!
1 juni: Webbutveckling färdigläst. Jag konstaterar att jag inte vill plugga mer nu. Så mycket nytt lärde jag mig inte under webbutvecklingen.

4 juni eller tidigare?? Nån gång var det iaf under våren: Dagen som Elin ringde och frågade om jag ville med på teater i Göteborg! De var ett gäng från Linköping som skulle se Bibeln på stadsteatern. Jag åker ner möter dem utanför biografen och får en biljett av dem, nice 😀 Kul att träffa Elin i Sverige också för en gångs skull! Ingen klassisk Elin + Simon bild tagen från detta tillfälle, men ändå trevligt! Bra föreställning var det också.

22 Juli Martin Kahnberg kommer på besök
28 Juli – 13 Augusti: Taizé-resa återigen :)
25 aug Åker ner till Göteborg och träffar Borås-Hanna några timmar

8 sept Party hos Anna och brandlarm på Harrys
Hösten: Affärsutvecklingsprogrammet på Drivhuset, Högskolan Väst.
Hösten: Hjälpte Anna ett par gånger med att klippa ihop musik till diverse dansföreställningar :)

28-30 September: Taizé goes to Helsinki!!

Nån gång i November tror jag: Träffade jag också på den underbara Emma från Strömstad på hemvägen från Trollhättan 😀

November: Såg färdigt tv-serien “Touched By An Angel” som jag började se November 2011, började se Person of Interest (OM-NOM-NOM !)

4 december: Trollhättan, vintermingel på Drivhuset och slutpresentation för Affärsutvecklingsprogrammet

December: Följde tre julkalendrar: Mysteriet på Greveholm – Grevens återkomst, När Karusellerna Sover (har fortfarande mer kvar att se där), Cheyennes Julkalender: Projekt 24 (en av de bästa julkalendrarna ever!)

Och nu….. ?

Mitt mål med 2013 är att tjäna pengar, försörja mig helt enkelt. Då pengarna börjar ta slut efter att ha levt på sparat kapital och CSN-bidrag i ett par år (sedan jag slutade jobba på Hemtjänsten)

Drömjobbet hade varit ett jobb på Mojang (de som gör Minecraft) i Stockholm, eller ett jobb på något annat nice spelföretag, där jag kan bidra med idéer och få hjälp med att realisera dessa – eller bidra till att fixa buggar och utveckla det ena och det andra i Java.

En dröm är ändå att släppa en app som går riktigt bra på Google Play. Gäller bara att bestämma sig för att: Nej, nu är det färdigt! Svårt att veta när nånting är klart… man vill ju inte att det ska floppa.

Då West Work bara jobbar med studenter jobbar inte jag för West Work längre. Men jag kommer jobba en del på Trinax via min egna firma iaf. Hur mycket återstår att se.

Underbara människor jag träffat för första gången 2012 och som jag hoppas få träffa igen 2013 (även om jag redan har träffat några av dem 2013 p.g.a. nyårsfirandet i Rom):

Johanna F, Amanda (Sveriges Lucia 2012 !), Ebba, Niclas, Ruben från Nederländerna, Hanna från Polen, Clara, Jenny och Filip från Skåne, Linnea (gardäjnär), Annika, Henric (Kramkungen!)

Underbara människor jag träffat igen 2012, och som jag hoppas få träffa igen 2013:

Feeeeeeeeeelix, Elin, Evelina, Maria, Annie, Emelie

Sissi, Anna, Helena, Karin (de gamla godingarna! Och typ de enda som kommer läsa bloggen också :P)

Christofer Rydén, Martin Kahnberg

Min familj, närmaste släkten och närmaste kompisarna.

Om jag har glömt någon ber jag om ursäkt på förhand.
Ett par fina minnen från Rom-mötet det senaste:

I Rom när jag och Henric satt på backen på St Petersplatsen i väntan på att bönen med påven skulle börja fick jag lite bröd av Henric. Och så sa vi gemensamt orden som man i Sverige brukar säga innan nattvarden: “Brödet som vi bryter är en delaktighet av Kristi Kropp” “Så är vi, fastän många, en enda kropp. Ty alla får vi del av ett och samma bröd”.

På Kastrups flygplats på hemvägen, vid tågstationen, fick jag en flaska Rom-vatten av Johanna, och vi började sjunga Taizé-låten: “Let all who are thirsty come. Let all who wish receive the water of life freely. Amen, Come Lord Jesus. Amen, Come Lord Jesus”.


You CAN say NO to a BOT!

Jenna Ellis says:
*:-) well hey there
Simon says:
*Hello Jenna Ellis. Haven’t we chatted before?
Jenna Ellis says:
*heyyy sweety how are you?
Simon says:
*I’m great thanks, how are you? did you change your e-mail?
Jenna Ellis says:
* 😉
Simon says:
*well that was a good answer….
Jenna Ellis says:
*i am great thanks 4 chattn w/ me..:$, we hve chatt’d before, rite?
Simon says:
*yes we have. I asked you about it first…
Jenna Ellis says:
*derp lolz :$, I can be forgetful at timez! so wat you up 2?
Simon says:
*wow, that was actually a good answer! I’m doing schoolwork at the moment, and you? (I bet you’re naughty aren’t you?)
Jenna Ellis says:
*Are you as naughty as I am?? if so you will be spanked 😉
Simon says:
*oh, a b*t that spanks people! I like that!
Jenna Ellis says:
*I jus finished workin out so Im rly flexible rite now. maybe I can do sum spcial moves 4 yu lols i can do the splts, get my legs ovr my head n even lick my pink wet kitty HA HA:p!! i can make myself squirt 2!!
Simon says:
*aren’t I the one who’s supposed to make you squirt??
Jenna Ellis says:
*sweet!!:d yoo could give me some tips on how I could do it better…im ready to get on my cam and sho yoo if yoo wanna see…so we don’t have to keep typing and I hve a mic too okie?? :)
Simon says:
*what the f— are you writing? learn english goddamnit!
Jenna Ellis says:
*alright my cam is wired thru a chat ntework to keep the kiddies away from me so don’t worry if you don’t have a cam or your’s don’t work kk? i gotcha covered sexy!
Simon says:
*I don’t have a cam at all 😛
Jenna Ellis says:
*okie sexy this is just going 2 be you n me…go to right here =http://******/******** if you can’t clik the link type it in or copy/paste it to u’re browser lmk when yoo got it okie?
Simon says:
*what if I don’t want to?
Jenna Ellis says:
*make sure yu accept my freee webcm chat *invite* on the left hand side, it expires in 10 minutes to be freee, clik it okie?
Simon says:
*what if I don’t want to?
Jenna Ellis says:
*okie, fill out your info,first and last name, make sure you put your correct b-day okie?
Simon says:
Jenna Ellis says:
*cc, debit crd, or atm it’s 2 make sure your real, ur card will NOT be charged, every membr on site has been verified as real, kk? I had to do the same thing QT… CAN’T show teetees n pussi to minors..yu kno? 😉
Simon says:
*yeah yeah, that’s what you said last time too… but this time it’s even worse english.
Jenna Ellis says:
*ok let me kno when yoo get u’re free usernme and passwrd from the site and make sure u use that to login with n type it EXACTLY as they gave it to u w/ dashes, hyphens or w/e jus make sure it’s exact
Simon says:
Jenna Ellis says:
*kk sweety, make sure yu put all your correct address info that matches you’re cc or else you|u|yu|yoo} wont get my freee invite, did yoo*-)???
Simon says:
*I wonder if it’s possible to say no to a b*t? NO!
Jenna Ellis says:
*sweet stuff?? did yu check ur e-mail for the free psswrd?
Simon says:
Jenna Ellis says:
*you better give me sum =gold] when u r on the site lolz.. its like a flirt and I wuld love(l) sum from you ..kk?;)
Simon says:
*I want you to shut up.
Jenna Ellis says:
*kk yu in?
Simon says:
Jenna Ellis says:
*right, clik on private time under my cam QT, okay?
Simon says:
Jenna Ellis says:
Simon says:
*I don’t want to visit that site. I just want to chat with you.
*stupid bot.

Two more chatterbots

Here’s a short conversation with a chatterbot, I decided to kill the conversation pretty quickly:

Jena Larson says:
*Hey, thankss for the add buddy!
Simon says:
*no problem
Jena Larson says:
*HI there how’re ya!?!
Simon says:
*better than you, a simple little bot, are.
Jena Larson says:
*what’s a bot??
Simon says:
*Let’s do the ultimate test, shall we? http://www.google.se
*did you die?
*haha, you’re dead!

And then here’s a longer conversation with a chatterbot I found more interesting. Actually thought it was human for a little while:

Jen Cargill says:
*hiya there :))
Simon says:
*hi there
Jen Cargill says:
*have we chtd before.. i’m Jenna, yu?
Simon says:
*I think I’m gonna recognize parts of our conversation, so I think I’ve chatted with you, the bot, before. But I haven’t chatted with you, the e-mail address.
Jen Cargill says:
*fjklsjafldksaf blah!
Simon says:
*what the fuck? that’s a new one. you seem to be an interesting bot
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
*who are you?
Jen Cargill says:
*im srry.. i git to b 4getful at timess!! how’re u?
Simon says:
*for a moment there I actually thought you were NOT a bot, but now I think you are one again.
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
*who are you?
Jen Cargill says:
*justa bout finishd takn a bath..long day been sort of busy but i am feeln a lil nawty 😉 now! so whatz up?? .. wanna hv somes fun?? :)
Simon says:
*bah, thought so. you’re a strange bot.
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
Jen Cargill says:
*yea right
Simon says:
Jen Cargill says:
*icky day, I ws in the bath 4ever jus playing around and it alwayz get;s me soooo horni lol .. going to chnge into my clothes wantto see? :) lol
Simon says:
*I’m starting to understand you now. Whenever I say a specific word, you’re gonna say some standard-answer for that word. but whenever I don’t say it, you’re gonna keep on trying to get me to one of your nasty sites.
Jen Cargill says:
*Accept the invite, if you need the link again its www.*****/*******
Simon says:
*no thanks. but I almost feel like giving you a link, to kill you. But you’re quite interesting for being you-know-what
Jen Cargill says:
*no worries..thouhght u wanted to see me naked ..:)
Simon says:
*I’ve always wondered what a you-know-what looks like naked…
Jen Cargill says:
*i am sort of hornay lolz 😡 wantto chat on cam?
Simon says:
*yay, start your cam – ON MSN – so I can see what you look like!
Jen Cargill says:
*YAYY *www.*****/******* copy npaste if yu can not click the link into ur browser.. do yoo see my pic?
Simon says:
*why do you send two different links?
Jen Cargill says:
*you forgot it? lol its www.*****/*******
Simon says:
*you seriously don’t look like you’re 22.
Jen Cargill says:
*yes now click the [j0IN FREE] button at the top.. ok then fill out your info.. give it a sex whoops lol, sec to load.. when u get in, i wuld luv for u to join me in private..ok?
Simon says:
*lol, first time I see a you-know-what making a “mistake” when typing
Jen Cargill says:
*i use this site to play on cus i don’t want 2 be RECORDED! …this site doesn’t allow others to record my cam! you kno?
Simon says:
*bah, like that’s so hard to do anyway…
Jen Cargill says:
*crdit card verifie u’re a reale person, u will get in 4 free thru my page but you need to verify that u’re an adult …cant show ass n pussy to minors .. you kno rite?
Simon says:
*yeah yeah, whatever.
Jen Cargill says:
*lmk when you’re done or if You need help …i*ll be getting redy for You..k? 😉
Simon says:
*you talk like a 12-year-old AOLr..
Jen Cargill says:
*ok u’re good let me kno when u’re in handsom.. it will send You rght to my cam once u’re done, n I will get on line ok?
Simon says:
*nah. you’re an ugly bot
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
*opps. did I offend you? stupid bot
Jen Cargill says:
*i dont think so
Simon says:
*ok good. then I can continue to offend you. lousy crappy bot
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
*bot, you’re so dumb, you don’t even know how dumb you are!
Jen Cargill says:
*i dont think so
Simon says:
*well, I think so! stupid bot
Jen Cargill says:
*i dont think so
Simon says:
*what do you think about the situation in Botswana?
Jen Cargill says:
*fjklsjafldksaf blah!
Simon says:
*haha, lol. 😀 good answer. It’s not a Botanical garden, exactly.
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
*where you created during the botomian period in world history?
Jen Cargill says:
*yea right
Simon says:
*lol. I don’t think so. Not even bottlenose dolphin where created back then.
Jen Cargill says:
*fjklsjafldksaf blah!
Simon says:
*what a coincidence, that’s the exact same commend you said when I asked you about Botswana. Must be difficult to roll your fingers over the keyboard and get the same result twice.
Jen Cargill says:
Simon says:
*nevermind. I wonder if there’s more words for you to respond on… how about…. sex?
Jen Cargill says:
*come over!! lol im horny
Simon says:
*bah, that wasn’t funny. you can do better. SEX!
Jen Cargill says:
*wow i need to get some
Simon says:
*well I just had some.
*what, you died now? I didn’t even give you a link!? Now I’m truly disappointed
*how come all chatterbots are named Jenna and are bisexual?
*oh well. you’re no good anymore. I wonder what killed you. bye, bot!

A conversation with yet another chatterbot – but still the same

*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*Hey i wanna meet you ,msg if you can
Simon says:
*oh shut up!
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*Yea i know its random, but my douchebag EX cheated on me so I'm on a MANhunt lol... i found your username on a hotmail directory, I'm gabby, you are? =D
Simon says:
*you are the same bot that messaged me yesterday!
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*uggh no i'm not are u???? lolz
Simon says:
*I knew you were going to say that, and now you'll say "if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz"
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz
Simon says:
*told you. and now you'll say "I see.. Where do you live? I am bored at home...and this usually leads to bad things =D especially since I'm single and sexually deprived :("
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Simon says:
*lol. ok, soon you'll say it.
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*i c.. Where do u live? i am bored at home...and this usually leads to bad things =D especially since I'm single and sexually deprived :-(
Simon says:
*ha! gotcha! and no, I am not on any online dating sites. and what the fuck is ComeHookup anyways?
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*R u on any dating sites?? u seem fun... I just took sum naughty pics and put them on my comehookup profile.. wanna see? haha
Simon says:
*and now, you little bot: Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz
Simon says:
*not that hat again! come on you stupid bot, say it!
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*what's a bot??
Simon says:
*that was a new one. the previous bot never said that. say the other thing, bot!
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*uggh no i'm not are u???? lolz
Simon says:
*not that! say that now you really lost me thing, stupid bot
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz
Simon says:
*i didn't know a bot could wear a hat.
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz
Simon says:
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???
Simon says:
*thank you. stupid bot. and no, I don't want to hear about your hat again.
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz
Simon says:
*I wonder if you are just as rude as the other one?
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*k, here, let me know what u think http://****** .. you might have to make an account if you dont have 1 already. It takes literally 1 min and it's 100% free!!
Simon says:
*yeah yeah, whatever. I'm gonna try another link on you.
*****@yahoo.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
*try this http://*********
Simon says:
*no, you try this: http://www.google.se
*and now you crashed, LOL!
*don't you die on me! don't die on me!
*it always works in the movies. but it probably hasn't been practiced on any bots before....
*wake up, BOT!
*ok, you're dead. bye

A little less conversation, a little more bots…

Sometimes I really enjoy chatting with chatterbots, just because they’re so darn entertaining. So here’s a conversation I just had with a bot where the bot just stopped responding. How rude! Even for a bot. From now on, I’ll save each conversation I have with these bots and post them online. Just for fun. And for those of you who googled for “horny girl” or “porn” or similar, too bad for you because there’s no porn here – just chatterbots!

Jenni Horn says:
*Hello :-)??
Simon says:
Jenni Horn says:
*hey there, hope you dont mind chat'n with a spiteful horny girl, soo how are ya??
Simon says:
*yay, I love horny girls!
Jenni Horn says:
*wow, im so wet..i would love if u watched me...i promise u it will be fun
Simon says:
*I especially love horny girls that are bots!
Jenni Horn says:
*uggh no i'm not are u???? lolz
Simon says:
*that wasn't a question.
Jenni Horn says:
*ya I know its random, but my douchebag ex cheated on me so i'm on a MANhunt haha... I found your username on a hotmail male directory, I'm Gabby, you are? ;)
Simon says:
*stupid bot.
Jenni Horn says:
*uggh no i'm not are u???? lolz
Simon says:
*yes I am a bot.
Jenni Horn says:
*if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz
Simon says:
*what hat?
Jenni Horn says:
*I see.. Where do you live? I am bored at home...and this usually leads to bad things =D especially since I'm single and sexually deprived :-(
Simon says:
*you're changing the subject.
Jenni Horn says:
*Are ya on any online dating sites? You seem cool... I just took some dirty pics and uploaded them on my ComeHookup page.. want to see? hehe
Simon says:
*no, I want you to come here so we can fuck in real life. I have never fucked a BOT before.
Jenni Horn says:
*Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???
Simon says:
*yes, bot. you are a bot.
Jenni Horn says:
*Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???
Simon says:
*yes, bot. you are a bot.
Jenni Horn says:
*if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz
Simon says:
Jenni Horn says:
*uggh no i'm not are u???? lolz
Simon says:
*don't you have anything better to say than that you stupid bot?
Jenni Horn says:
*Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???
Simon says:
*that is what a bot is!
*oh, you're silent now? what happened to you, little bot?
*ok, normal bots I can tolerate. But an unresponsive bot, that I don't like! So I'm going to block you now, goodbye unresponsive bot!
*you probably broke down when I gave you that wikipedia link. I gotta try that more times!



+ Började med att jag läste färdigt “Matematik B för Lärare” och tog därefter avbrott från lärarprog
+ Började läsa “Numerisk Analys” och “Kodningsspråk och HTML”
+ 14: Började utveckla Pentacolor
+ 29:  Middagsbjudning, om jag minns rätt, hos A-S.

Bara massa plugg, spelande och utvecklande av Pentacolor

+ Klar med två kurser till, började nu läsa “Vektorgrafik och Animation”

+ 5: Drivhuset 24
+ 16: Svensexa för Emil, med gänget i Göteborg. Sov över med Karfunkel och Henrik hos Henriks mor på Kalvsund
+ 23: Emils bröllop
+ 23: Var i Göteborg på kvällen med Martin
+ 25: Grillning med brudarna på Gustavsberg
– 30: Fest hos Becca i Uddevalla, en ganska dålig kväll dessvärre (pga en hög med irriterande folk man träffade på bussen)

15: Omval till landstinget

28 Juni – 14 Juli: Reste till Honduras för Karfunkels bröllop

+ 9: Karfunkel gifter sig i Honduras med Andrea
+ 12: Jag och Henrik åkte en galen buss till Tela i Honduras, där vi mötte upp Christian och Mariela och umgicks med dem hela dagen. Badade i galet höga vågor

++++ 1 Augusti – 14 Augusti: Var i Taizé i 2 veckor. 9:e året, 10:e resan, 11 veckor totalt.
++++ Kvällarna den 9:e & 10:e augusti. Bland de bästa någonsin!
– Karfunkel flyttar till Trollhättan, we’re going to miss you!
+ 27: 75-års kalas för Helena, Karin och Sissi

Började plugga Webbutveckling på distans, satsade ganska mycket på plugget denna månad
– Läste den otroligt värdelösa kursen “Systemering med användarfokus”
+ Började gå på Drivhusets starta-eget kurs, ungefär en gång i veckan under höstterminen

+ Utvecklade ett mata-mata turneringssystem till Minesweeper Flags Extreme
+ 18: Drivhuset 24, denna gång var även Karfunkel med.
+ 22: Henrik fyller 22 vilket firas med pompa och ståt. Eller med mat och öl…

– Började spela det beroendeframkallande Minecraft, som visserligen är kul måste erkännas men det är lätt att spendera för många timmar vid det
+ Snackade med Almir om jobb och grejer, och Almirs framtida projekt. Fick jobb på bemanningsföretaget West Work AB
+ 21: Jobbade på Trinax för första gången

— Minesweeper Flags Extreme näst intill dog :( Används knappt någonting alls numera. Brasilianarna spelar inte lika mycket som de gjorde förr.
+ 14: Föreläsning med grundaren av Nelly.com, som minst sagt lyckats ganska bra.
+ 25: Det traditionella Juldagen-firandet hos Markström
+ 28 December – 1 Januari: BERLIN!

Mer info om BERLIN-resan kan fås på bilder på Facebook eller i ett senare blogginlägg

A joyful heart, that is your life

That’s how the Letter from Chile begins, written in 2010 by Brother Alois.

And truly, a joyful heart is really life! And the two weeks in Taizé, France, were very joyful.

This blog entry will contain two things: Taizé in general for those who are not very familiar with Taizé and also about my personal experiences for these two weeks.

In august 1940, when World War II was covering the world with darkness and parts of France were occupied by Germany, a 25-year-old man by the name of Roger took his bicycle from Switzerland to eastern France. He arrived to a small village by the name of Taizé and stayed there. He wanted to help those suffering from the war, just like his grandmother had done during World War I. In Taizé, he and his sister Genevieve offered shelter for many Jews. However, they were warned by a friend in the military that their activities had been found out and he told them to leave at once. They left for Geneva, were Roger met those that would become the first brothers of Taizé. In 1944, they could return to Taizé. More came to join the men’s group in Taizé and on Easter Day 1949 there were seven of them who commited themselves to celibacy and a life in great simplicity.

For a reason that remains mysterious to everyone, people started visiting Taizé. In the beginning, the brothers sent them away – thinking that the guests would only harm their community. But for a reason that remains even more mysterious, people continued to come. And so the brothers thought: “Maybe we can do something good from all this”. And so, the meetings of Taizé started.

Meetings in Taizé

Meetings in Taizé

Taizé is a christian community but Taizé welcomes everyone. There is no one asking you when you arrive: “Do you believe in God?”. There is no one telling you what you should believe either. But what most people do when they are in Taizé is to reflect about their faith and their life in general. What kind of life do I want? What part of Taizé do I want to bring with me home? And also, people live in the moment, most of them are joyful and people share their experiences of life with others. All these things are optional of course. Choose the parts that you like, but I recommend all parts. Together, they make life. That is what I think Taizé is about: Reflection, joy and sharing.

Skipping ahead 30 years or so… after the small village church became too small for all the visitors and the Church of Reconciliation was built and after it was expanded and after the pope John Paul II visited Taizé in 1986 and saying to all the young people there that “Like you, pilgrims and friends of the community, the pope is only passing through. But one passes through Taizé as one passes close to a spring of water. The traveller stops, quenches his thirst and continues on his way.”…

Pope John Paul II (left) and Brother Roger

Pope John Paul II (left) and Brother Roger

Every week in Taizé there could be thousands of people arriving to stay for one week. People come from very diverse backgrounds: Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia, North America but everyone stays in Taizé under the same conditions. In Taizé we are all humans. Everyone lives together in a very small area and Taizé is not like your ordinary hotel (you live in tent or a simple “barrack” dormitory), the visitors who come needs to help with some practical work to make life in Taizé work. There are working teams for everything from cleaning the toilets to working in the non-profit store Oyak (my personal favorite!). A swedish girl said that Taizé is like a festival, but instead of a festival with many different concerts, everyone is kind of here to see the same concert.

The timetable in Taizé is very structured, the day starts with morning prayer at 8.15 (unless you are very sleepy and miss the morning prayer) and breakfast is at 9. Shortly after breakfast, you either go to your working team or go to a “Bible introduction” where one of the brothers of Taizé tells you about some part about the bible that will tell you something about life in general. After the short bible introduction you meet with a group with people from different countries, you never know who you are going to end up with but they’re usually lovely people (and there is the possibility to change group if things don’t work out).
On exactly 12:22, the bells start to ring and it’s time for midday prayer (when the bells has stopped ringing after 10 minutes), followed directly by lunch (approximately 13:00). For the afternoon, you either go to working team or to your discussion groups. There is usually a couple of hours each afternoon for free time, where you can go (by yourself or with friends) to the source – a peaceful area which is a place for silence and reflection. Tea + COOKIE at 17:00 and, on tuesday to saturday there’s optional workshops with different themes (usually quite interesting!) at 17:45. There are actually some workshops where they don’t mention God, Jesus, or the Bible at all – they are just about life in general. Evening meal is at 19:00 and on 20:27 the bells start to ring again for 10 minutes and it’s time for evening prayer. But don’t worry about all these times. When you are in Taizé, after two days you will know what it is time for.

Does prayer three times a day sound much? Well… the prayers in Taizé is not really like at home – wherever your home is. The prayers in Taizé is a time for stopping your ordinary life and taking a break for about 30-40 minutes. Each prayer has approximately 10 minutes of silence in it. In the beginning, it may seem a bit much because you’re quite stressed but after a couple of times you enjoy the silence. Here’s an example video of a prayer in Taizé, this is from a saturday evening. All saturday evenings in Taizé have these candles. Think about that if you see that the time is around 21:10 on a saturday evening.

And for the times you’re not in church, there’s always something else to do, or some people to meet – if you want to. Everywhere you go you see people. On my second week this year, I chatted with a swedish guy I met on my bible introduction during tea time. Then suddenly around six or seven girls came sitting right next to us. I asked them were they were from and started speaking some Lithuanian with them (that’s where they were from!), the parts I know – in Taizé you always learn how to say short phrases in many different languages. I and the lithuanians then started chatting with some portuguese and french people who were singing. Then suddenly a girl from Latvia and then later a girl from the Netherlands joined. And before I knew it, I had met some of the most amazing people in my life. Many of these people I also met later during the week and talked about lots of things.

In the evening, after the evening prayer, most people gather at Oyak – the non-profit shop in Taizé. People buy food, drinks, snacks, toothbrushes and other stuff they want or need. And before you know it, there’s someone bringing a guitar, sits down and starts to sing “Para bailar la bamba”…

Let me tell you about one of my experiences in Oyak during my first week in Taizé this year, I was chatting with some Dutch guys I met during the Taizé-meeting in Rotterdam. I said to them that I wanted to meet Lithuanians, because I hadn’t met anyone yet that week. So we asked some girls where they were from and yeah, they were Lithuanians!! We talked about the ordinary Taizé-questions (“Is this your first time in Taizé?” and others) when there were people with “Free Hugs” signs walking around Oyak, some of us hugged them of course and I told the Dutch and the Lithuanians that I also wanted such a sign. The Lithuanian girls came up with the brilliant idea that I have a white t-shirt, let’s write on that! So they writed “Free Hugs” on the front and one of the girls said that I should write “Free Fucks” on the back. I disagreed on that, saying that it should say “Fucks, 10 euro”. And then the girls started to haggle about the price saying that “No, we only pay 2 euro!”. I told them that I wasn’t so cheap. So, they started thinking about something else for me. They thought I looked a little like Jesus, so they started calling me “Sexy-Jesus” and that’s what ended up on the back of my t-shirt.

Me and my Free Hugs / Sexy-Jesus t-shirt

Me and my Free Hugs / Sexy-Jesus t-shirt

So, one question that many friends asks me about: Why? Why do I go to Taizé? Why do I go to Taizé once a year?
And the question I always ask myself: Why do so many people, from all around the world, go to Taizé?

The second question, I am unable to answer. I’ve been asking that question for many years, and it all remains a mystery – just like the mystery about why people started coming to Taizé.
What I can answer is the first question. Why do I go to Taizé?

What made me go to Taizé the first time was that I have always wanted to visit France, having studied french for five years I needed to practice it also. A monastery in France sounded very interesting. However, it wasn’t at all what I imagined it would be. First of all, I would have had more use for German if I would have known it, because the first week I ever was in Taizé, more than half of the approximately 1500 visitors were Germans – most of the others were Swedish. And that’s why I don’t go to Taizé in June anymore. I prefer August, when there’s usually 4000 people from 80 different countries. Even though there were many Germans, Swedes and not much people in general, I was still surprised in a very positive way. There was something special about that place.

Taizé for me is nowadays a place, and a kind of people, of trust and joy. Taizé is a place for taking a break from ordinary life and being reminded about what is really important in life. That’s not your computer, or mobile phone. It is also a time for meeting people. It is a time of pure happiness. Everything is for a brief moment in time exactly the way it is supposed to be – especially this year’s visit was like that. Every day you have opportunities to meet new people, learn about some interesting connection between the bible and the real life, or have an insight about “This is the way it is!”. One thing I love the most about Taizé is the contrasts. One minute you’re sitting in the church singing those peaceful Taizé-songs. The next minute you are standing in the foodline for lunch and people are singing happy songs in all kinds of languages, or playing games or simply doing what Taizé-people do best: Meeting new people. Also, in one minute you could be down at the peaceful source thinking about life, a few minutes later you could meet the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen, or playing games with crazy funny people from anywhere, or be a part of people building a circle. You ask “Why make a circle?” I ask: “Why not?”. If you’re not happy with that answer, I say that it’s because they can!

Some short events that happened in Taizé this year:

When I and Marta from Latvia was standing in the dish-line we started to gather the dishes for everyone else as well, seeing how much we could carry, and there was a girl who we took the dishes for that thanked us for saving her life! That must have been the easiest life to save ever!

This year, I went to a workshop about relationships. “What freedom is there in our relationship with others? Sharing and practical exercises”. It made me realize that people always have the right to say no. Even if some people maybe say it too often and some people too seldom.

Lunch on Friday the first week was in silence, in solidarity with people suffering from hunger in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, and also in North Korea. The week before, apparently there was the same thing but for the victims of the attacks in Norway. Usually during lunch, there’s a lot of noise, but this day it was very quiet during lunch. An incredible experience.

I did meet two persons who were going to study in Sweden this coming year: Kristina from Lithuania in Uppsala, and Shin from South Korea in Karlstad. I wish you a nice stay in Sweden, girls!

On Sunday, when the first week changed into the second week, people were leaving but I was staying. I was a part of the welcome team, around 250 people were in one single day welcoming 3773 people to Taizé. I had never been part of the welcome team before, it was a nice experience!

When I was working in Oyak one evening, selling bottles, I asked a customer where he was from (This question could be in “Taizé Guide To Meeting New People: Chapter 1” if there existed such a thing), he was from the Netherlands. So I said to him: “Nietmachine!” Which is one of the very few words I know in Dutch (it means “Stampler” by the way). And then he laughed and asked me where I was from and told me, in Swedish: “Häftapparat!” which of course is the Swedish word for nietmachine.

One Lithuanian guy who worked with me in the Welcome Team said to me in Swedish: “Du ser ut som en motorbåt!” (You look like a motorboat). Where do people learn stuff like this? Taizé of course. I withdraw the question.

A Latvian girl I met, Marta, had hitchhiked all the way from Latvia, first to Geneva and spending a few days there, then all the way to Taizé. She and her friend went in the same car all the way from Latvia to Poland! She had also some years ago hitchhiked to Sweden, staying with some people in Gothenburg who she came in contact with on couchsurfing.org. That’s awesome!

There were some groups from Africa, mostly from Rwanda, performing dances and singing:

There were also people from different countries of Latin America (Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, and others…):

I hope that I have answered most of your questions about Taizé and my two weeks there this year.
I also hope that you are even more curious about this place, whether you’re a believer or non-believer.
In Taizé, we are all humans.

“Over-accumulating material possessions kills joy. It keeps us trapped in envy. Happiness lies elsewhere: by choosing a simple lifestyle, working not just for profit but to give meaning to life, sharing with others, everyone can help create a future of peace. God does not give a spirit of timidity but a spirit of love and inner strength.”
– Brother Alois, Letter from Chile